Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Humpty Dumpty ident....

Keyframes :

1) Egg sits on wall
2) Looks up, concerned expression - this seems to be missing from the above video...
3) '10' falls from sky and smashes egg which splats

4) 'Top' falls from sky and lands on '10', egg drips down the wall

5) 'Stories' drops from sky, egg continues to drip

6)...... The next screen shot will be 'Children's' following in quick succession from 'Stories', followed by the channel/time of program information.


Entire composition (excluding wall) could be moved slightly to the left to create more room/better visual balance and allow more space for the wording.

Sound effects could work better than music in the ident situation? Or perhaps soft music in the background with sound effects on top...

The ident starts with no attempt to bring the viewer into the scene, perhaps the viewer could travel forward towards humpty, or up the wall....

I think that the colour palette works well.

The dripping egg does not work very successfully in the video, so I think that it would be better to bring the first splat in as a mask so that I can manipulate it via its anchor points. Alternatively, I could use the 4th  egg splat image and slowly reveal it using a mask that is shaped appropriately.

Also, the text "humpty dumpty sat on the wall" will move across the screen at the beginning of the ident, but I need to redraw the asset as it didn't work very well. I think that I will use a path to achieve this.

Some finishing touches that I want to add to all my compositions is blinking in the same way that I made the star blink. I think it humanizes the characters, and the extra movement within the video makes it more visually interesting to look at.

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