Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Crit Feedback

In terms of my own personal direction that I have taken from the advise and criticism I received today, I feel really positive. The general view was that since the last crit, despite continual development of my animation, I have not managed to adequately define my target audience like I had planned to. I had kind of experimented but not made any significant changes or decisions apart from experimental soundtracks suited more to an adult audience. I feel sure that I want the animation to be targeted at an adult audience rather than children, however I dont want to change the concept and design too much, as I dont really have the time now and I think what I have works well for what it is. I did toy with the idea of redefining my audience....

Ideas I had were :

Top 10 best...

Children's authors

Children's stories.... for adults

Children's stories... for grown ups

Fictional stories

Children's films/stories that traumatize small children (!)

Fantasy stories

Imaginary characters

Fictional characters

Fictional creatures

Fantasy creatures

Mythical Creatures

Mythical beasts

I am still unsure whether I want to make this change of direction as I am otherwise happy with the style and theme of my animation so far.... 
I know this seems late in the game to make a change like this, but I have worked hard at this brief and from what I have seen I am quite possibly ahead of schedule in some respects, so I think I can allow myself this alteration and the extra work it will create. I can easily get the storyboards drawn up between now and the weekend, and then the assets all created and ready to start animating the final idea by Sunday/Monday, which only sets me back about two days I think. I am still unsure of what to do, so I think I will sleep on it and decide tomorrow when I feel less mad....

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