Monday 18 October 2010

New rationale

I decided to re-write my rationale, as since last week I have slightly changed my concept. After researching into food waste in general in a lot of different areas, I have swayed back towards my initial 'good'; freeganism, and more specifically 'dumpster diving'.

1) Because tonnes and tonnes of perfectly edible food is thrown out each day
2) It is beneficial to the planet; this food would almost always otherwise end up in landfill sights.
3) It provides a free source of food for those willing to salvage it.

I intend to...
Direct and persuade people towards 'dumpster diving', an element of the freegan way of life .

My target audience is...
People who are part of a more underground culture. Predominantly students or people aged 16-25. Although through my research I have found that it is not just people who are skint that go for this way of life, I think that attracting new audiences would be easier if they had more motive to get involved. (i.e. students with very little money!) The reason I am not aiming my idea at a larger audience is that, quite simply, if everyone did this then it would not work!

I want to inform people that...
Freeganism is actually a very resourceful way of gathering food.

In order to achieve this I will produce...
a set of objects that are useful for the act of 'dumpster diving'. For example gloves, torches,  bags, Tupperware containers. These would be used as promotional items. I am also interested in designing some kind of map or way of directing people to the best areas to go dumpster diving. Perhaps provide a stencil? I am also looking at ways of communicating to these underground cultures, e.g. fanzines etc.

These will be produced  using....
Pad printing; for the 3d objects, lithographic printing for the other items like the fanzine or map. Also, I would perhaps have to use die-cut to mass produce stencils for spray painting logos or symbols to be distributed as a flyer type freebie.

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