This is the design that I settled on following the crit feedback. My crit group felt that the original illustration with only slight photoshop enhancement was te most succesfull over the live trace and high contrast black and white image.The general concensus was that the caption was relevant, but the image was more striking and intriguing without the text. Besides, the Don't Panic submission suggests you add a title/explanation so I was able to submit the caption along side the image anyway. The descision behing this image came from my associations with the word 'Vogue', fashion being an almost inevitable response. I desided to put a humourous twist on a fashion illustration to kind of laugh in the face of ridiculous fashions. I came across an image on a fashion blog of a woman wearing a black hat with a faux lobster on it, which for some reason I found really funny and really liked. I wanted to use a limited colour palette, so that the orange stood out the most making it as clear as possible that the outfit is made out of lobsters, in case it wasn't clear initally.
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