Thursday, 18 March 2010

Alice et Polly - Communication is a Virus

I think Alice and I work well together as we both share similar graphic design and thematic tastes and seem to both be pretty open to a range of ideas and comprimises. I like the fact that we are both not 100% confident with the digital side of things, as this way we are forced to both try somehting new rather than rely on one of us to handle the computer side.
After our first initial brainstorms together Alice and I have decided to investigate the statement
"Tell a lie convincingly"......after our initial brainstorms we began looking into lies that parents tell their children, and vice versa, and eventually came up with the idea of printing funny lies that children have said onto childrenswear and accesories. We felt that this was a good market because of the fact that children constantly need new clothes as they are growing, marketing the theme of the t-shirts etc at adults would perhaps interest the parents more.

We both agreed that we wanted to use this collaborative project as a chance to try something new, and eventually decided that we would make a website for this project which is something neither of us have independantly tackled before. We are also talking about the idea of screen printing some of the designs eventually as well; a technique we are both keen to try. There will be a lot off illustration based work involved too which will keep us both happy.

For the first crit we brought a selection of our rough sketches for the designs and asked the members of our crit to simply tell us which worked best, among other things. We felt this was the easiest and fairest way to decide who's style would suit the concept best. We didn't let them know who's was who's it was just a completely subjective decision. We eventually decided that I would do the t-shirt designs and Alice would do the website (which is still going to be very illustrative). However, every important design decision so far has been discussed between the two of us to ensure that we are both happy...... so far, everything seems to be running extremely smoothly!

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