In the final crit, the main issue raised was my decisions in relation to the packaging. Due to James down at digital print being off sick, despite having a booked session, I was not able to reprint my stickers. I made a mock up sticker, but felt that it looked a little cheap and unprofessional. I rethought the packaging, and looked back at some of my initial, more tactile solutions. I liked the idea of having something physically restricting the book being opened unless it be ripped (for example). I looked into printing some kind of wrapping paper, or parcel wrap, but the idea I liked the most was a simple card band. I think it looks smart and simple, but still encourages the reader to feel as if they are reading something that they shouldn't. I chose to print a text message on the front that someone had sent me in response to me asking for forwarded messages. It was one that I hadn't chosen for the book, but seemed relevant for the cover. It communicates the secretive theme of the book, as well as remaining unclear as to what the book itself contains....

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