After experimenting with my initial ideas, I felt that the three designs were too complicated and didn't fit together in a series. Rather than creating three posters which reflect variations of the same design, I was on my way to creating three completely different posters. I was also struggling to maintain the restricting colour scheme of just two colours. I decided to just select one typeface and design a simple image that I could use throughout, almost like a logo.
I decided to use the font 'Home Sweet Home', as I felt it is more clearly recognisable as a stitched font and has better readability than the other font I was considering. Also, I like the way that from a distance, the systematic way in which the cross stitches form the letter forms almost looks digital, which I think works well with the concept: embroidery making a comeback in the 21st century.
However, I liked the more messy hand stitched quality of the other font, so I decided to use it as the inspiration for the heart design (see below). I think that a heart is an easily recognised symbol, and I think it is the simplest way of representing the idea that more and more people are finding this new-found ''love'' for sewing.
These are some of the designs that I came up with initially:
I like the layout of this design (below). I think what works best is the way is the small size of the font in contrast with the large image. I f anything I think that the image could be even larger. I also like the way that the message is along the bottom of the poster, which I think is a more subtle approach. I hope the effect will be that the image gets the viewers attention, then the words draw them in.

This is my design for the type based poster. After some experimentation, I felt that the poster actually worked better landscape rather than portrait. I think that this is due to the quantity and the length of the words.
In this design I experimented with having a little more information. I like the layout of the poster, however I think that the added information doesn't give the poster anymore information, and it actually gives it less visual impact. Perhaps if I were to choose some more interesting/relevant content it might make it worth having.
I think that this layout is quite successful. I particularly like the layout of the text in the bottom left corner. I also think that the large amount of space left open creates an interesting composition.
I think that the text element of this design works quite well; it really reminds me of the classic 'Home Sweet Home' embroidered image that is so iconic. However, I think that the text needs to be big in order to balance the composition, but I feel that the heart symbol doesn't work if its too small. Therefore I don't think that this creates the right visual impact that I'm looking for.
I decided to experiment with a heart made up of cross-stitch in a more embroidery based style. I thought that it might work better, as it would match the font. I actually decided that I preferred the more hand stitched appearance of the other heart.
I initially chose the colours green and pink/red because to me, they are quite nostalgic colours, for example in films and images when red and green filters are used. After printing out some of the designs in colour I actually decided that they lacked some of the impact that I was hoping for. I experimented with a few other colours and actually really liked this shade of dusty, but bright blue in contrast with the more vivid pink, making the image and type stand out more successfully. I also think that these colours would appeal to the target audience, which, without being hideously sexist, are most likely to be female.
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