Here are a few of the drawings I did on the hitch hike to Morrocco over Easter.
I like tribal influence in these images.

I met a Moroccan painter who wrote some arabic calligraphy in my book

In spain on the way I met another painter in a bar. I asked him to draw in my book as well. He started by pouring his beer over the book, then when the pen wouldn't work he began drawing with cigarette ends. I think that that the results are pretty open to interpretation, particularly seeing as he couldn't speak a word of English, nor understand French. I am pretty certain that the second image is supposed to be a road, in reference to the hitch hiking? However I really like the practice; the idea of working with whatever materials are available to you at the time! Especially whilst traveling, I have encountered the issue of having to work with whatever implement you can find. I actually dropped my good pen in the middle of a duel carridgeway on the first day of the trip.